
Thursday, September 9, 2010


Minggu Keenam....Minggu Ketujuh..... Minggu Kelapan ......
Basic Instructional Technology

*This 2 weeks are presentation week...I had learn many interestings ways to teach small kids.
Ways are like:
  • Learning alphabet through game

~this can help children review the alphabet

~children also can learn the order of the letters


  • Learning maths through game

~children can learn to identify the numbers

~children can learn how to count from 1 to 10

~it can stimulate children's mind

  • Learning weather through song

~it is more lively and it can attract children's attention easily

~children can differentiate the weather

~children can know the spelling of the words.

  • Learning shapes through game

~children can identify the shapes easily

~children can learn the spelling of the words

  • Learning days of the week through song

~children can learn the days of the week

~children can learn the spelling of the words

  • Learning plants through game

~children can know the types of plants

~children can know the name of the plants

~children can know the process of planting

  • Learning body parts through song

~children can identify the parts of thebody

~children can know the spelling of the words

  • Learning fruits through game

~children expose to varities of fruits

~it can help children to recognize the name of the fruits

~it can help children to recognize the shapes of the fruits

  • Learning song through video

~children can kow how to sing the song through interesting way

~it can help children to recognize song's lyrics.

*Besides that, i learn how to use power point well and how to hyperlink the website in the power point.I also learn how to search for the ways to teach small kids in internet...It is hard at first but finally i manage to do it...


Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Minggu Kelima....

4 development stages

  1. Sensorimotor stage
  2. Preoperational stage
  3. Concrete operations
  4. Formal operations

# Sensorimotor stage ( birth 2 years old)

  • The child , through physical interaction with his or her environment, builds a set of concepts about reality and how it works.
  • A child does not know that physical objects remain in existence even when out of sight.

# Preoperational stage ( ages 2 - 7 )

  • The child is not yet able to conceptualize abstractly and need concrete physical situations.

# Concrete operatios ( ages 7 - 11 )

  • As physical experience accumulates, the child starts to conceptualize, creating logical structures that explain his/her physical experiences.
  • Abstract problem solving is possible at this stage.
  • Example: Arithmetic equations can be solved with numbers.

# Formal operations ( ages 11 - 15 )

  • The child's cognitive structures are like those of an adult and include conceptual reasoning.

Piaget's Cognitive Learning Theory

  • 5 basic idea
  • Schema
  • Adaptation and Equilibration
  • Assimilation and Accommodation

* 5th week of uni life....I learn bout theory of Piaget... There are 4 development stages and the process by which children progress through them.4 development stages include sensorimotor stage, preoperational stage, concrete operations and formal operations....


Minggu Keempat....
Model Behavioural

Teori Pelaziman Operan
# Peneguhan

  • peneguhan positif

  • peneguhan negatif

  1. Peneguhan Positif ~ rangsangan yang menambah kebarangkalian tingkahlaku itu akan berlaku.

  2. Generalisasi ~ peneguhan hampir sama dengan peneguhan asal boleh menghasilkan gerak balas yang sama.

  3. Diskriminasi ~ organisme bergerakbalas terhadap sesuatu peneguhan tetapi tidak pada peneguhan lain.

  4. Penghapusan ~ gerakbalas berperingkat terhapus apabila peneguhan/ganjaran tidak diberikan.
Pembentukan Tingkahlaku

~ berdasarkan operan, memperkembangkan teknik pembentukan bagi melatih haiwan menguasai tingkahlaku.

~contoh: reaksi pendengar mempengaruhi penceramah.Pelajar-pelajar mengangguk kepala menyebabkan penceramah bergerak lebih cepat dalam kelas.

  1. Peneguhan Negatif ~ rangsangan yang menyakiti mewujudkan tidak selesa menambahkan kebarangkalian tingkah laku akan berlaku.

  2. Denda ~ rangsangan yang menyebabkan kebarangkalian gerakbalas/tingkahlaku terhasil kurang/dihapuskan.
Jadual Peneguhan

  • Peneguhan berterusan ~ setiap kali gerak balas dihasilkan, organisme menerima ganjaran

  • Peneguhan berkala ~ ganjaran diberi menurut kekerapan/masa tertentu.(mengikut nisbah/masa)

* 4th week of uni life....:) Today lesson i learn bout human behaviour has been shaped by past experiences.Behaviour modification is possible through conditioning.There are 2 types of peneguhan which is peneguhan positif and peneguhan negatif...Peneguhan positif include ganjaran,pujian, whereas peneguhan negatif include denda dan sebaliknya...


Minggu ketiga....
Perspektif Behaviorisme

Ivan Pavlon
~kajian pembelajaran pada organisme berasaskan hukum perkaitan-pembentukan perkaitan rangsangan dan gerak balas.

Kajian Pavlon

  1. Penguasaan ~ organisme mempelajari gerak balas berperingkat-peringkat.
  2. ~kerap cuba,lebih kukuh penguasaan.

  3. Generalisasi ~Pavlov menggunakan loceng nada berlainan, anjing mengeluarkan air liur
  4. ~organisme terlazim dengan rangsangan tak terlazim(loceng) akan menghasilkan gerak balas terlazim(keluar air liur) walaupun rangsangan berlainan.

  5. Diskriminasi ~organisme dapat membezakan rangsangan dan memilih tidak bertindak/gerak balas.Organisme tidak bergerak balas kepada rangsangan yang lain.

  6. Penghapusan ~jika rangsangan terlazim(loceng) tidak diikuti dengan rangsangan tak terlazim(makanan), lama kemudian organisme tidak bergerak balas.

~ Eksperimen ini berkaitan dengan loceng nada, makanan dengan anjing mengeluarkan air liur.

*3rd week of uni life....I learn about teori behaviorism, cognitive and constructivism...I also learn about teori of Ivan Pavlov.The bell started out as a neutral stimulus. The food was an unconditioned stimulus. When the dog salivated upon seeing the food, it was an unconditioned response.When we repeatedly paired the sound of the bell with the sight of food, the dog was finally conditioned to salivate upon hearing the bell. The bell has become a conditioned stimulus for the dog.Salivating to the sound of the bell is a conditioned response in the dog.


Minggu Kedua....
Sistem Komputer

~mesin elektronik
  • menerima data
  • manipulasi data mengikut peraturan tertentu
  • mengeluarkan keputusan
  • menyimpan maklumat untuk kegunaan masa hadapan

Pengguna Komputer

  • seseorang yang berkomunikasi dengan komputer
  • seseorang yang menggunakan maklumat yang diolah oleh komputer

Kitaran Pemprosesan Maklumat Komputer

~Input - Proses - Output - Storan - Komunikasi - (again)

Evolusi Era Komputer

  1. Generasi Pertama 1942-1959 ( Era Tiub Hampagas)
  2. Generasi Kedua 1959-1965 ( Era Transistor)
  3. Generasi Ketiga 1965-1970 ( Era Litar Bersepadu)
  4. Generasi Keempat 1970- ( Era Mikrokomputer)
  5. Generasi Kelima ( Era Penyambungan)

Jenis-jenis Komputer

  • komputer peribadi
  • handheld computer
  • perkakasan internet
  • mid-range server
  • kerangka utama
  • superkomputer

Unsur-unsur 1 Sistem Komputer

  • perkakasan - peralatan elektrik,elektonik dan mekanikal yang membentuk sebuah komputer
  • perisian - satu siri arahan yang memberitahu perkakasan bagaimana untuk melakukan sesuatu kerja

#perisian sistem

~sistem pengoperasian


#perisian aplikasi

  • Kakitangan
  • Tatacara

Kaedah Pemprosesan

  • pemprosesan kelompok
  • pemprosesan salind tindak

* 2nd week of uni life....i learn a lot....i learn about the system of the computer. There are many era which is era 1 to 5...different era use different method .There are many kinds of computer. As a teacher, we have to know the system of computer and master it so that we can use computer well as our "alat bantu mengajar"...




Minggu Pertama...
Belajar tentang konsep-konsep asas pengajaran.

Definisi Teknologi
~penggunaan pengetahuan Sains - pembelajaran praktikal.
~penyelesaian masalah dengan teknik, kaedah, reka bentuk/ alat yang berkesan dan teruji.
~sebagai produk/bahan- penghasilan perkakasan & perisian.

Teknologi Pendidikan
~gabungan manusia,peralatan,teknik & peristiwa.
~kemahiran dan teknik moden.
~alat,bahan media dan organisasi.

Ciri-ciri dan jenis teknologi pendidikan yang baik
~dapat jelas idea dan menerangkan isi-isi.
~alat besar dan jelas
~tulisan dan gambar dipelbagaikan warna
~bahan tahan lama dan boleh disimpan
~tunjukkan hasil dan kemahiran yang baik.(alat dibuat sendiri)

Kepentingan teknologi
~melicinkan p&p ,fokus isi penting
~jimat masa, tenaga dan wang
~elak bosan, kekal minat, hibur pelajar
~elak tak faham atau salah tafsir
~betulkan kekeliruan
~libatkan pelbagai deria-tingkatkan daya ingatan
~memberi kelainan dan kepelbagaian kaedah mengajar
~dapat belajar maksimum, masa minimum
~kayakan pengalaman murid.

~alat bantu mengajar
~untuk pengajaran yang tidak menghiburkan
~dirancang dalam 3 peringkat
(a) sebelum- rancang masa dan bagaimana kaitkan dengan topik
(b) semasa - rancang ulasan dan penekanan aspek penting
(c) selepas - rancang aktiviti lanjutan(soalan, kesimpulan, penilaian)
~dipilih berdasarkan kesesuaian topik, objektif pelajaran, latar belakang pelajar,saiz kelas,
keadaan fizikal darjah.
~capai objektif pelajaran dan peringkat perkembangan pelajaran(pengenalan
topik,konsep,kesimpulan topik,pemahaman terhadap topik)
~ikut masa sesuai
~merujuk kepadanya dan tidak menunjuk-nunjuk
~selepas guna, tanggalkan
~tamat pengajaran, pamerkan.

*Those are the things that i learn during 1st week of class....i was very blur at first cause i am a stpm student so i am not use to that kind of learning method...but with the help of lecturer and friends i manage to understand what had learn on tat all my all can read this cause is a summarise for the lesson on first week...Through out this lesson we can learn about the basic of technology....

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